Библиографические ссылки статьи: “Преимущество применения лактадгерина для оценки экспонирования фосфатидилсерина в тромбоцитах”
  1. REVIEW ARTICLE: Coated-platelets: an emerging component of the procoagulant response

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  2. Platelet‐based coagulation: different populations, different functions


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  3. Procoagulant Platelets Form an α-Granule Protein-covered “Cap” on Their Surface That Promotes Their Attachment to Aggregates

    A. Abaeva, M. Canault, Y. Kotova, S. Obydennyy, A. Yakimenko, N. Podoplelova, V. Kolyadko, H. Chambost, A. Mazurov, F. Ataullakhanov, A. Nurden, M. Alessi, M. Panteleev

    Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2013, 288, 29621-29632

  4. Binding of Coagulation Factor XIII Zymogen to Activated Platelet Subpopulations: Roles of Integrin αIIbβ3 and Fibrinogen

    Y. Kotova, N. Podoplelova, S. Obydennyy, E. Kostanova, A. Ryabykh, A. Demyanova, M. Biriukova, M. Rosenfeld, A. Sokolov, H. Chambost, M. Kumskova, F. Ataullakhanov, M. Alessi, M. Panteleev

    Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2019, 119, 906-915

  5. The role of phospholipids and factor Va in the prothrombinase complex

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  6. Dynamics of calcium spiking, mitochondrial collapse and phosphatidylserine exposure in platelet subpopulations during activation

    S. Obydennyy, A. Sveshnikova, F. Ataullakhanov, M. Panteleev

    Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2016, 14, 1867-1881

  7. Mechanisms of increased mitochondria-dependent necrosis in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome platelets

    S. Obydennyi, E. Artemenko, A. Sveshnikova, A. Ignatova, T. Varlamova, S. Gambaryan, G. Lomakina, N. Ugarova, I. Kireev, F. Ataullakhanov, G. Novichkova, A. Maschan, A. Shcherbina, M. Panteleev

    Haematologica. 2020, 105, 1095-1106

  8. Clot Contraction Drives the Translocation of Procoagulant Platelets to Thrombus Surface

    D. Nechipurenko, N. Receveur, A. Yakimenko, T. Shepelyuk, A. Yakusheva, R. Kerimov, S. Obydennyy, A. Eckly, C. Léon, C. Gachet, E. Grishchuk, F. Ataullakhanov, P. Mangin, M. Panteleev

    Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2019, 39, 37-47

  9. Phospholipid binding properties of human placental anticoagulant protein-I, a member of the lipocortin family

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  10. Binding of vascular anticoagulant alpha (VAC alpha) to planar phospholipid bilayers

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  11. Lactadherin binds selectively to membranes containing phosphatidyl-l-serine and increased curvature

    J. Shi, C. Heegaard, J. Rasmussen, G. Gilbert

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  12. Measurement of phosphatidylserine exposure during storage of platelet concentrates using the novel probe lactadherin: a comparison study with annexin V

    A. Albanyan, M. Murphy, J. Rasmussen, C. Heegaard, P. Harrison

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  13. Lactadherin and procoagulant activities of red blood cells in cyclosporine induced thrombosis

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  14. Lactadherin blocks thrombosis and hemostasis in vivo: correlation with platelet phosphatidylserine exposure


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