Библиографические ссылки статьи: “Точки опоры и сети внутриклеточной сигнализации тромбоцита”
  1. Platelet functional responses and signalling: the molecular relationship. Part 1: responses.

    A. Sveshnikova, M. Stepanyan, M. Panteleev

    Systems Biology and Physiology Reports. 2021, 1, 20-28

  2. Effects of the NO/soluble guanylate cyclase/cGMP system on the functions of human platelets

    S. Makhoul, E. Walter, O. Pagel, U. Walter, A. Sickmann, S. Gambaryan, A. Smolenski, R. Zahedi, K. Jurk

    Nitric Oxide. 2018, 76, 71-80

  3. Heparan sulfates are critical regulators of the inhibitory megakaryocyte-platelet receptor G6b-B

    T. Vögtle, S. Sharma, J. Mori, Z. Nagy, D. Semeniak, C. Scandola, M. Geer, C. Smith, J. Lane, S. Pollack, R. Lassila, A. Jouppila, A. Barr, D. Ogg, T. Howard, H. McMiken, J. Warwicker, C. Geh, R. Rowlinson, W. Abbott, A. Eckly, H. Schulze, G. Wright, A. Mazharian, K. Fütterer, S. Rajesh, M. Douglas, Y. Senis

    eLife. 2019, 8,

  4. Double Suppression of the Gα Protein Activity by RGS Proteins

    C. Lin, A. Koval, S. Tishchenko, A. Gabdulkhakov, U. Tin, G. Solis, V. Katanaev

    Molecular Cell. 2014, 53, 663-671

  5. New Fundamentals in Hemostasis

    H. Versteeg, J. Heemskerk, M. Levi, P. Reitsma

    Physiological Reviews. 2013, 93, 327-358

  6. Systems biology insights into the meaning of the platelet's dual-receptor thrombin signaling

    A. Sveshnikova, A. Balatskiy, A. Demianova, T. Shepelyuk, S. Shakhidzhanov, M. Balatskaya, A. Pichugin, F. Ataullakhanov, M. Panteleev

    Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2016, 14, 2045-2057

  7. RAP GTPases and platelet integrin signaling

    L. Stefanini, W. Bergmeier

    Platelets. 2019, 30, 41-47

  8. Mathematical Techniques for Understanding Platelet Regulation and the Development of New Pharmacological Approaches

    Dunster JL, Panteleev MA, Gibbins JM, Sveshnikova AN.

    Gibbins JM, Mahaut-Smith M, editors. Platelets and Megakaryocytes : Volume 4, Advanced Protocols and Perspectives, New York, NY: Springer. 2018, , 255–79

  9. A molecular signaling model of platelet phosphoinositide and calcium regulation during homeostasis and P2Y1 activation

    J. Purvis, M. Chatterjee, L. Brass, S. Diamond

    Blood. 2008, 112, 4069-4079

  10. Control of Platelet CLEC-2-Mediated Activation by Receptor Clustering and Tyrosine Kinase Signaling

    A. Martyanov, F. Balabin, J. Dunster, M. Panteleev, J. Gibbins, A. Sveshnikova

    Biophysical Journal. 2020, 118, 2641-2655